

Because there are two Pentan signs across 10°, there is a Sub-Pentan system in which the whole Zodiac repeats itself every 10°. On this Sub-Pentan level the Zodiac repeats itself 36 times. There is a sign of the Zodiac for every 50’ of a degree.

This may, at first, seem extreme but is highly useful. It gives a different flavour or theme to each degree of the Zodiac.

This may, at first, seem extreme but is highly useful. It gives a different flavour or theme to each degree of the Zodiac, and to each line of a hexagram.


The Zodiac, Pentans and Sub-Pentans

3 wheels

The main Zodiac (blue circle) occupies 360°.

The pentan Zodiac occu­pies 60°. The Sub-Pentan Zodiac occupies 10°.

In the Pentans the Zodiac repeats six times in a year. In the Sub-Pentans the Zodiac repeats 36 times in a year. The main Zodiac lasts for one year.

Every planet will be in a Zodiac sign, a Pentan sign and a Sub-Pentan sign.

Every planet will also be in a main hexagram, a sub-hexagram and a sub-sub-hexagram.


For any position in the Zodiac there will be

a Main Theme or Zodiac sign,

a Special Focus or Pentan sign,

and an Intimate Detail
or Sub-Pentan sign.

Try to capture the implications of the pentan before you con­sider the sub-pentan. In this case the Gemini pentan will add a greater sense of inde­pendence to the Aries. This could increase the sense of mischief and the willingness to try anything once. The Leo sub-pentan adds an element of pride and having to be best.

In the same way there is a Main Theme Hexagram, a Special Focus Hexagram, and an Intimate Detail Hexagram.

The second and third level hexagrams come alive when working with secondary progressions on a horoscope, which show the individuals evolution along their spiritual path across a life time. One ends up with six year hexagrams, one year hexagrams and two month hexagrams in sequence across their life. A truly spiritual calendar.

May the Force be with you!