Eight Seasons

This is a drawing adapting the yin-yang symbol to the spiral of light and darkness in the cycle of the year. It also places the trigrams in their appropriate places and shows the colour correĀsponding to the trigram accentuated.
Here is the trigram of Shock and Thunder, it is the first trigram after the greatest darkĀness in the dark half of winter. Its colour is indigo or dark blue moving into purple.

Here is the trigram of the Clinging, Fire. It is in the light half of winter leading up to the spring equinox. Its colour is burgundy or a purplish red.

Here is the trigram of the Joyous Lake. It is in the dark half of spring starting from the spring equinox. Its colour is red.

Here is the trigram of the Creative, Heaven. It is in the light half of spring leading up to the greatest brightness at the summer solstice. Its colour is orange.

Here is the trigram of the Gentle, Wind, or Wood. It is in the light half of summer starting from the summer solstice. Its colour is amber or orange-yellow.

Here is the trigram of the Abysmal, Water. It is in the dark half of summer leading up to the fall equinox. Its colour is yellow-green.

Here is the trigram of Keeping Still , Mountain. It is in the light half of autumn starting from the autumnal equinox. Its colour is green.

Here is the trigram of the Receptive, Earth. It is in the dark half of autumn leading up to the winter solstice. Its colour is blue.

Here we see the two trigrams of winter, Shock, Thunder and the Clinging Fire, Lightning.

Here are the two trigrams of spring, the Joyous Lake and the Creative Heaven.

Here are the two trigrams of summer, the Gentle Wind, Wood and the Abysmal Water.

Here are the two trigrams of Fall, Keeping Still, Mountain and the Receptive Earth.

Here we see all the trigrams and the colour spectrum and how they relate to the yin-yang spiral of the year.

Here we see the yin-yang spiral with the coloured trigrams and their association to the signs of the zodiac.