
Correspondences to Moon Phases

In this diagram the aspects and trigrams are presented along with the corresponding astrological


The correspondence is based on the changing ratio of light to darkness in each cycle and can be

confirmed by the trigrams in their sequence.

This is a rather radical challenge to the astrologer as there are numerous different associations

of houses to the aspects that are in use today.

As these drawings confirm the original sequence of Fu Hsi, so do these house association con-

firm the proper associations between the two.

The houses are numbered in the opposite direction to the aspect phases.

In this diagram the signs of the zodiac are placed around the aspect wheel. This correspondence is based on the changes in the light and the dark, and can be seen in the sequence of the trigrams.

Once again this correspondence may seem radical to astrologers as other systems of association are more popularly in use.

As these drawings confirm the original sequence of Fu Hsi, so do these zodiac sign association confirm the proper associations between the two.

In this diagram we see the correspondences of the aspect cycle to the trigrams, the houses and the zodiac signs.

According to the changes in the light and the dark, these are the correct associations.

It is the nature of these associations that has inspired the development of this work “The Se­quence of Change”.

May the Force be with you!